Posts Tagged ‘freedom’

I’m young. I’m rebellious. I’m angry. I am afraid.

What am I afraid of? I’m afraid of suppression and surveillance. We live in a time where we believe that our generation is the greatest of all time. And we believe that we are lucky. Lucky to be born in a new started millennium, lucky we are born in rich countries like Norway, Sweden, Denmark, America, and Luxembourg. But are we all that lucky to be a part of this time? I believe not. Because while we (the common man) is talking in our cellphones, watching Gossip Girl, updating our Facebook-profile. There is someone watching us. There is someone that tries to steal away our right to speak, our right to be free, and our right to BE.

It’s now that you either nod your head and whisper silently “yes, we’re being watched, someone is taking away our right to privacy”. Or you’re shaking your head like crazy trying to convince yourself I am the crazy one. And you probably tell yourself something like this “the person writing this is one of ‘em conspiracy theorists believing in aliens, the new world order and that Christ is returning”. Well, I hate to tell you, but you’re wrong. If you need proof your being watched, you’re just not watching well enough. Airports are a good example, a place where you have to pay for the crimes of a few men. I’m referring to the men behind 9/11. It was only after this that the security on airports all over the world was tightened so hard that every person traveling with an airplane was a potential terrorist in the eyes of “the ones in power”. And now we most tolerate the intolerable. Scanners that see right through our clothes, and pre-judgment by our looks. And yes we are all being judged, and I am sorry to say that if you are from the middle-east than you have a pretty good shot at being watched just a little bit more.

So let me ask you, are we so lucky to live in this time? This time of politics, greed, suppression and surveillance? Are we so lucky to live in such rich countries like Norway and America? Two of many lands hiding behind huge posters promising democracy and freedom of speech to the people. Democracy we never really are a part of, freedom we never really have.


So long

I believe we are a generation of apathy. Billions of young people bound by the feeling of nothing at all. We yarn for success, money, the right clothes. But no matter how much we earn, how good are clothes look or how expensive our gym membership are, we are still empty. Still trying to be better, more. We believe if we just get a better car, a bigger house, a pool shaped as a dolphin, then we will be complete. But what if you some day wake up, at the age of say 50, and you realise that everything you ever wanted was just to fill a void created by our consuming society?

So how do we fill this void? If we are not to blame for its existence, if we are innocent, and just victims of the time we live in. The answerer is right there, and it was there all along. Free yourself from all unnecessary material goods. FREE YOURSELF. Stop buying things you don’t need. Stop wasting money on overpriced jeans made by underpaid china-men. Put the money away, save it. Then -> Give it away to people how need it, or use it for something that actually will fill the void. Like a trip to a land far way with a different culture. This will give you an experience, not just an other pair of jeans. This will give you memories that you can carry forever, this will slowly fill up the void.Image

So Long